Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Peace & Love Ladies,

How is everyone? I pray your all well and BLOOMING, even in this cold weather!

So the other night I had this inspiration to write a blog or a series of blog post on ways to get out of those boring habits we fall into with our wardrobe choices. We start to become comfortable and its a struggle reinventing old pieces into new fashion forward ideas due to many reasons, motherhood, income, time etc

... so a friend of mine who is on this journey said she never knows what I'm going to wear because my looks vary, and she's unable to put me in a box or a corner or even identify a garment and say "YUP SHES WORN THAT BEFORE". Little does she know I fight so hard not to be predictable because I love feeling alive, and Fashion is an art for me.

Evolving with Fashion in London, I learnt quickly roaming in high end boutiques how to add flavor and personality in my outfits and glorify my faith. Now allowing yourself to play and be adventurous in the way you put things together will push your VISION further. WE ALL struggle, so I'm going to introduce Fashion pieces every week  to freshen up your wardrobe.

...I'm sure you have gotten dressed and felt like it was too sensible or predictable, I know I have and you start to see yourself repeat the same color coordinated outfits over and over again. WELL Today is a NEW day but I have to remind you that VISION is the next step and that's all in you, its there for you to find, explore and recreate


One of my Favorite winter buys are capes and I usually carry this trend into the spring. Now if you've ever entertained the idea of buying a cape or a Poncho and you hesitated, Modern Majesty are here to show you how certain items are easy to play with.

...Truthfully I like the idea of being my own superhero and Ponchos/Capes have helped turn everyday looks into some of my great ideas yet. Especially for outwear and as Spring is right round the corner, it may be a wise investment.

Pair them up with some ankle boots, turban style hijab and a bold colored bag and bring colors together, especially for the spring. This is the time to explore white, neon, prints and somehow create a walking collage that is YOU.

Modern Majesty Have taken pictures for you below. If you need any help or ideas please leave a comment or as some of you guys have already done, Facebook message me. Find me under Fahima Abdul.

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